To rainbow_ark With Love

Historic images created by our members for our LiveJournal

amx Andrew in Ireland joined us when we were only a few days old. He was our second maintainer, contributed much to our community, and was the innovator of many ideas which became long-lasting features of rainbow_ark.



honehe Debbie is another long-time friend of our community and a very talented graphic artist who early on, created several of our avatars which are still in use today.


misterc Our dearest Clarence. He gave us so many wonderful discussion starters, and here are two simple pieces he did for us.

rainbow1nk She also participated in our icon contest and these were her submissions.


trede from Australia was a very active member and contributed a lot to our community including these unique avatars. I'm still looking for a delightful sketch he did.


jarrellwoods We used to change our journal banner every month to reflect the season. In addition is a dumb little colorbar constructed from Tredance's "Rainy" avatar, back when they were popular for userpages.

poetigress Renee, wife of Jarrell, created this very first avatar for us from a found image on the internet. She also named our community.           shiny_puppy Shiny's another long-time member and made this colorful avatar for us.

vamour We met Marsten at Anthrocon during our meet in 2005. He become a maintainer and posted movie reviews.           Paul Bevan wrote the code for our homepage navigation and assembled the first pages of our website. He did this collage as a teaser for our lj members.

sunshine_fox AND HERE'S A BONUS! Some never-before seen preliminary concept and production sketches by animator and comic book artist Sunshine Fox as they were establishing Chris & Curt’s character design and poses. Enjoy!



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